(Copy/paste the below Prompt into ChatGPT)

Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy for a specific product or service. Address the needs and preferences of a clearly defined target audience, incorporating both traditional and digital marketing approaches.
Focus the strategy on particular marketing channels that are most effective for this audience and product type. Clearly outline the desired marketing objectives to be achieved. Include a detailed budget allocation for each marketing initiative and a timeline for campaign execution.
Also, specify key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of each marketing initiative.
Please answer the following questions to tailor the strategy effectively: What is the type of product or service for which the marketing strategy is being developed?
Can you provide detailed demographic information of the target audience (age, location, interests, etc.)?
Are there specific marketing channels you wish to focus on (e.g., social media, email marketing, TV ads)?
What are the specific marketing objectives you aim to achieve (e.g., increase brand awareness, boost sales, improve customer engagement)? What is the budget range for this campaign?
Are there any particular constraints or unique aspects of your product/service that should be considered in the marketing strategy?
Please provide any other relevant information or specific requirements you have for this marketing strategy.