ChatGPT is OUT! New AI Tool is Much Better


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Newsletter 26: A New Frontier in Tech 🌌🔧

Hey tech trailblazers! Welcome to another exciting edition of the TPI Express! 🚄✨ This week, we’re charting a course through uncharted territories in the tech universe. Think of us as your trusty co-pilots, ready to navigate the latest innovations and trends. We're diving headfirst into the AI realm, uncovering breakthrough technologies, and sharing the secrets to mastering your prompt-engineering skills. Whether you're a tech veteran or just stepping into this thrilling world, we're here to ignite your passion and fuel your tech journey. So, gear up and join us as we explore the infinite possibilities of technology! 🌌🔧

AI News: Unveiling Tomorrow's Tech Today! 🌟🔍

Get ready to stay at the forefront of innovation with this week's exciting updates in AI and Robotics! Explore the latest breakthroughs that are revolutionizing our world and peek into the future of technology. Ready to be amazed by the digital wonders on the horizon? Let's dive in and uncover the tech marvels shaping our tomorrow!

What you get in this FREE Newsletter

In Today’s 5-Minute AI Digest. You will get:

1. The MOST important AI News & research
2. AI Tip of the week
3. AI Prompt of the week
4. AI Tool of the week
5. AI Money Earning Tip of the Week

all in a FREE Weekly newsletter. 

Let’s spark innovation together!

1. Anthropic's AI Mic Drop: Claude 3.5 Sonnet Rewrites the Rules 🚀🧠

Claude 3.5 Sonnet is now the most intelligent model in the world. ChatGPT is OUT! Bold claim? You bet.

A chatbot with the processing power of a supercomputer and the wit of a stand-up comedian. That's Claude 3.5 Sonnet in a nutshell. It's blazing trails at twice the speed of its predecessor, Claude 3 Opus, while sipping energy like it's on an AI diet—five times more efficient, to be exact. And here's the kicker: it's free for all on web and iOS

Claude 3.5 is stealing the spotlight from ChatGPT, and here's why:

[Read the full story]

2. AI Will Replace Your Best Friend: The Future of Digital Friends

What are Human friends good for anyway?

Imagine having an AI that knows you so well, it feels like talking to your best friend. This is the vision behind Dot, an AI companion developed by New Computer, co-founded by former Apple designer Jason Yuan. Dot is designed to become intimately familiar with your interests and needs through continuous interaction, aiming to provide personalized advice and support. But what are the implications of having such an advanced AI companion? Let's explore this intriguing development and its potential psychological effects.

[Read the full story]

Learn how to become an “Intelligent Investor.”

Warren Buffett says great investors read 8 hours per day. What if you only have 5 minutes a day? Then, read Value Investor Daily.

Every week, it covers:

  • Value stock ideas - today’s biggest value opportunities 📈

  • Principles of investing - timeless lessons from top value investors 💰

  • Investing resources - investor tools and hidden gems 🔎

You’ll save time and energy and become a smarter investor in just minutes daily–free! 👇

3. OpenAI co-founder Ilya Sutskever’s new startup aims for ‘safe superintelligence’

Hold onto your hats, tech enthusiasts! Superintelligence is coming near you

OpenAI co-founder Ilya Sutskever is back with a brand new startup, Safe Superintelligence Inc. This isn't just another AI company—it's aiming to create "safe superintelligence" that won't turn into a sci-fi nightmare. Alongside former OpenAI and Apple AI heavyweights, Sutskever promises a focus on safety without the corporate chaos.

"Superintelligence" refers to an artificial intelligence that surpasses human intelligence across all fields, including creativity, general wisdom, and problem-solving. Unlike regular AI, which excels in specific tasks (like playing chess or recommending movies), superintelligence would have a comprehensive understanding and cognitive abilities far beyond any human. It represents the next level of AI evolution, where machines can outperform human capabilities in virtually every domain, potentially transforming or even dominating various aspects of life and society.

Can they pull off the ultimate AI balancing act? 🧠🚀 

[Read the full story]

4. Chatbots Spreading Russian Misinformation. Here is how you are being manipulated

Picture this: you're chatting with your favorite AI assistant, and suddenly, you're hit with a narrative straight out of a Russian propaganda playbook. Scary, right? Well, a recent study by NewsGuard reveals that leading chatbots like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Microsoft’s Copilot, and Google’s Gemini are inadvertently regurgitating Russian misinformation.

This isn't just an isolated glitch—it's a widespread issue. 
[Read the full story]

AI Tip of the Week

The "Perspective Shift" Method – Supercharge Your Content 🔄🚀

Ready to take your writing to the next level? This week's tip is a game-changer that'll have you crafting multi-dimensional content in no time!

Introducing the "Perspective Shift" method:

Outline Your Article Jot down the main points you want to cover in your piece.

Leverage AI for Multiple Perspectives Ask Claude (or your preferred LLM) to rewrite your outline from different viewpoints:

The Skeptic: Challenge your ideas

The Enthusiast: Highlight the positives

The Beginner: Keep it simple and accessible

The Expert: Dive deep into the complexities

Mix and Match Blend the best insights from each perspective to create a well-rounded article.

How to Implement:

Web or Mobile: Start a new chat with Claude or your chosen AI

Prompt: "Rewrite this outline from the perspective of [chosen viewpoint]"

Repeat: Generate multiple perspectives for a comprehensive view

Why This Method Rocks:

Depth: Address various angles and concerns in one article

Credibility: Showcase a balanced, well-researched approach

Engagement: Appeal to a wider audience with diverse viewpoints

Real-World Example: I used this method for a meditation article, having Claude rewrite my outline from the perspectives of:

A meditation skeptic

A long-time practitioner

A neuroscientist

The result? A rich, multi-faceted piece that:

Addressed common doubts

Shared personal insights

Backed claims with scientific facts

It was like having a panel of experts contribute to my post!


This method works with various LLMs, not just Claude

Experiment with different perspectives based on your topic

Always fact-check and add your personal touch to the final piece

By employing the "Perspective Shift" method, you'll transform your content from one-dimensional to multi-faceted, engaging a broader audience and establishing yourself as a thoughtful, well-rounded writer. Whether you're crafting a blog post, preparing a presentation, or writing a research paper, this technique will elevate your work to new heights.

Ready to shift your perspective and revolutionize your writing? Give this method a try and watch your content soar! 🚀✍️

AI Prompt of the Week:

Unleash your creativity with this week's prompt example directly from This very potent AI prompt is your catalyst for innovation.

Master ChatGPT Basics! 📝🤖

Ever wondered how to get the most out of ChatGPT? This week, we’re demystifying the basics with our "Beginner's Guide to ChatGPT" prompt. Learn how to craft effective prompts, understand the concept of priming, and explore the use of personas to enhance your interactions. Get ready to unlock the full potential of ChatGPT with practical examples and tips.

Prompt: "Create a beginner's guide to using ChatGPT. Topics should include prompts, priming, and personas. Include examples. The guide should be no longer than 500 words."

Why It's a Must-Try: This prompt is perfect for anyone new to ChatGPT or looking to enhance their prompt-engineering skills. By understanding the essentials of prompts, priming, and personas, you can make your interactions with ChatGPT more productive and engaging. Whether you're using ChatGPT for work, study, or fun, mastering these basics will elevate your experience.

How It Works:

Understanding Prompts:

Definition: Prompts are the inputs or questions you provide to ChatGPT to elicit a response.

Example: "What are some easy recipes for a beginner cook?"

Tip: Be clear and specific to get the best responses.


Definition: Priming involves giving ChatGPT a context or background information to generate more relevant responses.

Example: "I'm planning a surprise dinner for my partner who loves Italian cuisine. Can you suggest a simple yet impressive dish?"

Tip: Provide relevant details to guide ChatGPT effectively.

Using Personas:

Definition: Personas are roles or characters that ChatGPT can adopt to tailor its responses.

Example: "Act as a fitness coach and provide a beginner's workout plan."

Tip: Specify the persona’s role and expertise for more tailored advice.



"What are some easy recipes for a beginner cook?"

Result: ChatGPT provides a list of simple recipes like spaghetti aglio e olio, scrambled eggs, and grilled cheese sandwiches.


"I'm planning a surprise dinner for my partner who loves Italian cuisine. Can you suggest a simple yet impressive dish?"

Result: ChatGPT might suggest a recipe for Chicken Alfredo, complete with a shopping list and cooking instructions.

Using Personas:

"Act as a fitness coach and provide a beginner's workout plan."

Result: ChatGPT offers a structured workout plan with exercises, sets, and repetitions, tailored for beginners.

Get Started:

Ready to dive in and enhance your ChatGPT experience? Use this prompt to create your beginner's guide and explore the limitless possibilities of interacting with AI. For more tips and detailed examples, check out our additional resources and expert advice.

Let's make ChatGPT your go-to tool for creativity and productivity! 📝🤖

AI Tool of the Week

This week, we’re excited to introduce GenType, an innovative AI tool that lets you create custom alphabets from any concept using Google’s Imagen 2. Whether you're a designer, educator, or just someone with a flair for creativity, GenType empowers you to generate unique letter sets that reflect your vision.

Why Use GenType? GenType isn't just another text generator—it's a creative powerhouse. Here’s why it stands out:


Ready to Get Creative?

AI Money Earning Tip of the Week

Invest in AI Startups for Big Returns! 💸🤖

Got some extra cash and a keen eye for innovation? Investing in AI startups might be your golden ticket to substantial returns. Let's dive into why this could be the perfect side hustle for you and how you can get started.

Why Invest in AI Startups?

Massive Funding Opportunities: The AI sector is booming. In 2023, AI startups attracted nearly $50 billion in venture capital investments. This impressive figure highlights the ongoing growth and potential in the AI industry, despite broader market slowdowns​ (CB Insights)​​ (​. 🌐

Success Stories: Ever heard of Peter Thiel? This guy made his billions by spotting the potential of AI and tech trends early on. As an early investor in Google and Facebook, his bets on innovative technologies paid off big time. 🚀

High Potential for Growth: Sure, not all AI startups will hit it big, but the ones that do can offer some seriously lucrative returns. The trick is to spot those promising companies that are shaking things up with AI. With AI revolutionizing everything from healthcare to finance, the growth potential is huge. 📈

How to Start Investing in AI Startups…

Your Next Spark Awaits

Until Next Week: Keep Innovating and Exploring! 🚀✨

As we wrap up this edition of the TPI newsletter, let's take a quick look at some of the most exciting tech highlights from the past week:

Apple's WWDC24: This event unveiled groundbreaking technologies, including macOS Sequoia with enhanced productivity and immersive gaming features, visionOS 2 for Apple Vision Pro, and the new Apple Intelligence system for smarter, more intuitive device interactions​ (Apple)​

London Tech Week: This tech extravaganza featured top industry leaders and showcased innovations across various sectors, from advanced materials to AI. Highlights included sessions on sustainability innovation and the introduction of cutting-edge AI-accelerated materials design​ (London Tech Week)​.

TechConnect World: Held in Washington, DC, this event focused on sectors like advanced manufacturing and AI innovation. Key announcements included the AI-Accelerated Materials Design Town Hall and various sustainability and biotech innovations​ (TechConnect World)​.

NVIDIA's GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER: This new chipset promises enhanced gaming and generative AI performance, setting new benchmarks in the industry​ (mint)​.

Stay curious and inspired by these developments. We can't wait to share more cutting-edge tech news and innovative ideas with you next week.

Keep pushing boundaries and embracing the future!