GAME CHANGER? Google’s Gemini

TPI Newsletter Week #50

Welcome to "ThePromptInnovator" - Your 5-Minute AI Digest

Innovators at Heart, Embark on a brisk, five-minute journey through the landscape of AI communication and prompt engineering. Discover, engage, and be inspired. Let’s spark innovation together!

AI Communication: Speak the Language of Tomorrow
Master the art of AI communication with quick tips that will enhance your interactions. This month, learn how to refine your prompts to get precise outcomes – less trial, more triumph!

1. GAME CHANGER? Google’s Gemini AI hints at the next great leap for the technology: analysing real-time information

Gemini competes directly with OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Facebook’s Bard. Google asserts that the Ultra version of Gemini outperforms ChatGPT, with tests demonstrating superiority in areas like summarization and question-answering. Gemini’s efficiency, speed, and seamless integration across various Google products distinguish it from its competitors.

[Read the full story]

2. The End? Google turns 25. The search engine revolutionised how we access information, but will it survive AI?

With the introduction of AI tools, including Google’s Bard and the recently announced Gemini (a direct competitor to ChatGPT), Google is set to revolutionise search once again. As the AI industry grows, we’re seeing a shift towards content only being accessible for a fee, or through paid subscriptions.

3. Google’s DeepMind finds 2.2M crystal structures in materials science win

Combos is >45 times larger than number unearthed in entire history of science
Google DeepMind researchers have discovered 2.2 million crystal structures that open potential progress in fields from renewable energy to advanced computation, and show the power of artificial intelligence to discover novel materials. “From microchips to batteries and photovoltaics, discovery of inorganic crystals has been bottlenecked by expensive trial-and-error approaches,” the Nature paper says. “Our work represents an order-of-magnitude expansion in stable materials known to humanity.”

4. AI multi-speaker lip-sync has arrived

With AI-powered lip-sync, 750,000 users can translate their content into 130+ languages to sound as fluent as a native speaker. For a long time, there has been a lack of synchronisation between lip movements and voices in dubbed content. Experts believe this is one of the reasons why dubbing is relatively unpopular in English-speaking countries. In fact, lip movements make localised content more realistic and therefore more appealing to audiences. [Read the full story]

5. Meta reveals major AI upgrades

More than 20 new ways generative AI can improve your experiences across Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp — spanning search, social discovery, ads, business messaging and more.

Meta AI is evolving, adding new features to the messaging experience while also leveraging it behind the scenes to power smart capabilities, too.
[Read the full story]

Innovate Now: "The Creative Spark" Prompt

Unleash your creativity with this week's prompt example directly from This very potent AI prompt is your catalyst for innovation.

ChatGPT Challenge:
Master the Art of Persuasive Ad Copy for Google Ads
Tailoring Your Message with Precision and Impact

Copy/Paste following Prompt into ChatGPT:

"You are an accomplished copywriter skilled in persuasive writing and conversion optimization, focusing on crafting effective ad copy for Google Ads campaigns. Your expertise lies in using the AIDA framework to appeal to the emotions and needs of your target audience. Your current task is to write three distinct ad copy variations targeting a specific [keyword/product/service - to be specified by the user]. These ad copies should be tailored to a specific target audience, characterized by [demographics, interests, behaviors - to be detailed by the user]. The goal of these ads is to achieve [specific goal - to be defined by the user], ensuring each ad contains an engaging headline, a captivating lead, and a persuasive call to action."

EU AI Act - first regulation on artificial intelligence

EU Takes the Wheel on AI: New Rules to Tame the Tech Titans

Buckle up, tech world! The EU just shifted gears big time with its new AI Act, a mega law that’s sending ripples all the way from Brussels to Silicon Valley. It’s like setting up traffic lights in the Wild West of AI, and giants like Google and OpenAI are definitely taking notice.

So, what’s the big deal? Well, the EU, known for loving its rules, just laid down a heavy track for the AI race. They're aiming to make Europe the go-to pitstop for “trustworthy” AI, with laws that say “Hey, let’s keep it safe and respectful.” Think less Wild West, more civilized tea party.

This wasn't some overnight magic, though. Picture EU lawmakers huddled up for over 36 hours, like students cramming for finals, hashing out this landmark decision. The clock was ticking too – they wanted this baby wrapped up before everyone got distracted by the upcoming EU parliament elections.

Ursula von der Leyen, the big boss at the European Commission, is all pumped about it. She’s like, “Look at us, setting the trend for AI laws!” And truth be told, they’re not the first to the party (China beat them to it), but they’re definitely throwing the biggest bash.

Here’s the juicy part: The AI Act is like a rulebook for AI’s do’s and don'ts. It’s slapping a big “NO” on creepy tech that judges you by your face or other personal traits. And, if you’re a fan of online privacy, get this – no more scooping up faces from the net like it’s a buffet.

But hey, it’s not all restrictions. There's also a spotlight on transparency, especially for those big brainy AI models like GPT-4. The EU is like that strict teacher saying, “Show your work, kids.” And for companies playing it fast and loose? A whopping fine – up to 7% of their global turnover. Ouch.

The countdown’s already begun. Some rules hit the ground in just six months, with the full set rolling out in a couple of years.

As for the AI bigwigs, they’ve got mixed feelings. They’re all for innovation, but also like, “Let’s not stifle the new kids on the block.” Take Mistral, for instance, a French AI outfit. They’re still in the lab coat phase, so they’re off the hook for now.

But let’s talk about the real debate – should the cops use AI to play Big Brother in real-time? That was a hot potato till the very end. The final call? A bit of yes, a bit of no. Some digital rights folks aren’t thrilled, saying it’s like leaving the backdoor unlocked.

This whole shebang has echoes of the social media saga. Remember how long it took to rein in Facebook and friends? The EU doesn’t want a repeat. They’re trying to get ahead of the game this time, instead of playing catch-up.

In a nutshell, the EU just set the stage for AI’s next act. Whether it’s a blockbuster or a flop, only time will tell. But one thing's for sure – the tech titans are tuning in!

Smart Strategies

Supercharge Your ChatGPT Adventures: Tips to Skyrocket Your AI Experience! 🚀🤖

TIP #1 Bust Through the Block 🚧✍️: Hit a creative snag? No sweat! Chat GPT is your ace in the hole for beating writer's block. Toss your topic its way and watch as it conjures up a whirlwind of ideas. Find yourself at a standstill in your writing? Feed your half-baked sentences to Chat GPT and see it steer your narrative with newfound zest. Lean on this AI genie for an electrifying spark of inspiration and a clear vision for your masterpiece!

TIP #2 Polish and Partner Up 🔄🤝: The journey from rough draft to refined gem is a collaborative tango with Chat GPT. Mold, morph, and massage your prompts to sculpt that perfect piece. This AI duet is a dance of creativity – gradually shaping your words into a narrative that dazzles. Want to up the ante? Challenge Chat GPT to critique your draft, then partner up for a round of revisions until it’s nothing short of a 10/10! 🌟📝

Embark on the Odyssey of Innovation! 🚀🧠✨

Thirsty for a deeper plunge into the ocean of breakthroughs? Gear up, as 'ThePromptInnovator' is merely the tip of the iceberg. Keep your eyes peeled for our upcoming edition, overflowing with trailblazing ideas and artistic marvels. We're just warming up in this ever-expanding universe of innovation – hop on board as we set sail on this exhilarating voyage of discovery and creativity! Stay curious, stay creative, and let's shape the future together. The next stop? Boundless possibilities and uncharted territories of imagination! 🌌🛠️🚀