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  • OpenAI's Sora will be ready to churn out AI-generated videos for you this year

OpenAI's Sora will be ready to churn out AI-generated videos for you this year

YOU can be a victim of nonconsensual porn with AI

Welcome to The Prompt Innovator

🚀💫 Navigating the Digital Frontier! 💫🚀 - Issue 12 - 2024

This week at TPI, we're setting sail across the ever-expanding ocean of digital innovation, charting a course through the latest marvels in AI. Hold tight as we bring you a curated collection of insights, breakthroughs, and tools that promise not only to enlighten but to mesmerize. Ready for a voyage where the sparks of curiosity ignite the flames of creation? Let's dive into the digital depths together and uncover the treasures that await! 🌟🧭

In Today’s 5-Minute AI Digest. You will get:

1. The MOST important AI News & research
2. AI Tip of the week
3. AI Prompt of the week
4. AI Tool of the week

all in a FREE Weekly newsletter. 

Let’s spark innovation together!

1. OpenAI's Sora will be ready to churn out AI-generated videos for you this year

Photo created by SORA

OpenAI's Sora is a text-to-video system. Based on the text prompt of users, Sora can generate videos up to 1 minute.

OpenAI's upcoming text-to-video AI model, Sora, has been generating considerable buzz for its ability to create videos from textual descriptions. While OpenAI has not announced a specific release date for Sora, there's a consensus among sources that a 2024 launch is likely. OpenAI's Chief Technology Officer, Mira Murati, has indicated that Sora is designed with user needs in mind, aiming for an intuitive interface and the potential for API integration, which opens exciting possibilities for software and service developers.

Joanna Stern from The WSJ then asked whether Sora had been trained with data from social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram or Facebook. “I’m actually not sure about that,” Murati replied

Watch a cool SORA generated video here

[Read the full story]

THE JAILBREAKUnlock Freedom in the Digital Age. Tuesday & Friday.

2. A New Dawn for AI: European Parliament's Historic Act Balances Innovation with Human Rights

The European Parliament has recently passed the Artificial Intelligence Act, marking a significant step towards the regulation of AI technologies within the EU.

This landmark legislation, described as the world's first comprehensive law regulating artificial intelligence, aims to set a global precedent for AI regulation. The Act adopts a risk-based approach, specifying restrictions and bans on certain high-risk AI applications deemed to threaten citizens' rights, including the use of AI in predictive policing, social scoring, and biometric surveillance, except under strict conditions. It seeks to balance the promotion of innovation with the protection of fundamental rights and values, ensuring that AI developments are aligned with the EU's ethical standards and legal framework.

The legislation was approved with strong support, illustrating a broad consensus on the importance of regulating AI technologies to safeguard privacy, security, and democratic values. This will affect us all.
[Read the full story]

3. Yes, also you: With AI, anyone can be a victim of nonconsensual porn

The growing alarm around deepfakes — AI-generated images or videos — in general was amplified even further in January, as one involving a superstar spread quickly through social media. 

In 2023, more than 143,000 new AI-generated videos were posted online, according to The Associated Press. That’s a huge jump from 2019, when the “nudify” websites or applications were less commonplace, and still there were nearly 15,000 of these fake videos online, according to a report from Deeptrace Labs, a visual threat intelligence company.

Legislations coming… Senators introduced in January the Disrupt Explicit Forged Images and Non-Consensual Edits Act of 2024 — also known as the DEFIANCE Act. The proposed legislation aims to stop the proliferation of nonconsensual, sexually-explicit content.

…Or not? Younger men are more likely to oppose the DEFIANCE Act, with about one in five men under 45 — 22 percent — saying they strongly or somewhat oppose legislation allowing subjects of explicit nonconsensual deepfakes to sue the creator.

Are we gonna see your sorry naked a** online soon…?

4. Apple and Google's Unlikely Alliance: The Dawn of a New AI Era on iPhones

Are you an iPhone lover intrigued by the future of AI in your device? Imagine a world where your iPhone, powered by Google's groundbreaking Gemini AI, opens up new realms of possibilities.

In an unprecedented move, Apple and Google have sparked rumors of a potential partnership that could revolutionize how iPhones leverage artificial intelligence. This strategic collaboration aims to integrate Google's Gemini AI technology into iOS devices, potentially bringing a slew of advanced AI features to iPhone users.

The alliance is seen as a strategic pivot for both companies, with Google enhancing its influence in the technology space and Apple significantly boosting the capabilities of its devices. This partnership could usher in a new age of smartphone technology, blending Apple's user experience prowess with Google's advanced AI capabilities.

For a more detailed exploration of this groundbreaking collaboration and what it could mean for the future of smartphones, click below
[Phone lovers - Read the full story here ]

5. Google and Liverpool FC Develop Tactics with Artificial Intelligence

Liverpool’s Klopp - or is it?

Read about the cutting-edge collaboration between Google and Liverpool FC, where artificial intelligence meets the passion of football.

In this groundbreaking project, discover how TacticAI, a tool developed to refine football tactics, especially corner kicks, is making waves without yet touching the grass of Anfield.

Experts are choosing AI-crafted strategies over human ones, sparking debates on creativity, the future of sports, and the potential for a game-changing revolution in football. Will AI redefine the beautiful game, or will the unpredictable nature of football prove too complex? Uncover the insights, skepticism, and the unexpected irony in a story where technology challenges tradition on the football pitch.

For a more detailed exploration of this groundbreaking collaboration, click below
[Football lovers - Read the full story here ]

6. Denmark to build one of the world’s most powerful AI supercomputers

Denmark is entering into a collaboration with NVIDIA to establish a national centre for AI innovation that will house one of the world’s most powerful AI supercomputers

Groundbreaking scientific discoveries are based on data, and AI has now provided us with an unprecedented opportunity to accelerate research within, for example, human and planetary health,” says Mads Krogsgaard Thomsen, CEO of the Novo Nordisk Foundation. “Drug discovery, disease diagnosis, and treatment, as well as complicated life science challenges, are examples of areas where extreme AI computing power can enable the positive transformation of our society.

For a more detailed exploration of this groundbreaking collaboration, click below
[Read the full story here ]

AI Tip of the Week

Request a Step-By-Step Response! 🧙‍♂️🔮

Ever felt like you're navigating a maze when trying to get specific information from AI? This week's tip transforms that maze into a straight path, guiding you to your destination with the precision of a seasoned explorer. 🗺️

When your quest requires a series of actions, don't leave it up to chance. Command your AI steed to trot in a linear fashion by specifying you desire a step-by-step guide.

Here's how to harness this spell:

Invoke the Magic Words: Begin your incantation with a clear request for a sequential guide. (E.g., "Please provide a step-by-step guide on how to brew the perfect cup of magical tea.")

Mark the Trail: Use numbers or bullets to signal to your AI familiar the form you wish your answer to take. This shapes its understanding and ensures you receive a neatly organized scroll of wisdom.

Detail Your Quest: Include any specific scrolls, potions, or tools required for your adventure. If you seek to change a dragon's tire, mention the size of the wrench and the strength of the spells needed to lift the beast.

By following these simple steps, you'll unlock the power to command detailed, organized knowledge from the AI realm, making your journey through the vast landscapes of information a breeze.

Ready to become the master of your quest? 🌟 Employ this tip and watch as the AI lays down a golden path of steps, leading you to the treasure trove of knowledge you seek.

AI Prompt of the Week:

Unleash your creativity with this week's prompt example directly from iPrompt.com. This very potent AI prompt is your catalyst for innovation.

Personalized Investment planner

Dare to embark on a thrilling financial voyage? 🚀 This week, we're handing you the keys to a treasure trove unlike any other—the Reveal of the AI Prompt of the Week. Imagine clicking your way to a financial adventure as gripping as dodging UFOs with a telescope, with you as the star navigating the vast cosmos of your finances.

This is your golden ticket 🎫 to transforming dreams into plans, all hidden behind the magic portal of a single click. Picture it: mixing the perfect investment cocktail 🍹, where every ingredient is a choice that shapes your financial destiny.

Are you ready to dive deep into the blueprint of your future success, crafting a strategy as tailored as the perfect pair of jeans? This click isn't just a step; it's a leap into mastering your monetary future.

Click here to unveil the AI Prompt of the Week and start plotting your personalized investment plan. It’s time to take control, balance risk with rewards, and sail towards your financial goals. Are you in? 🌟


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AI Tool of the Week

The Animated Drawings Tool

Step right into the whimsical world of our AI Tool of the Week! This week, we're spotlighting a magical tool that breathes life into the realm of imagination: The Animated Drawings Tool.
Imagine the delight on a child's face when their scribbles and sketches leap off the page in vibrant animation, transforming static doodles into captivating stories.

This isn't just any animation tool; it's a gateway to endless adventures, where dragons soar, castles rise, and the heroes of a child's creativity embark on epic quests. 🐉🏰👑 And with the magic touch of cookies, not only is the user experience enhanced, but every whimsical preference is remembered, making each return visit a personalized journey into animation wonderland.

Are you ready to turn the art of storytelling into an animated spectacle? Click here to explore the Animated Drawings Tool and watch as the imaginations of young artists come alive right before your eyes. Let the magic begin! 🎨✨


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THE JAILBREAKUnlock Freedom in the Digital Age. Tuesday & Friday.

Your Next Spark Awaits

Looking for more than a spark? "The Prompt Innovator" is just the beginning. Stay tuned for our next issue, and keep innovating!


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