AI candidate is actually running for a political position

Also: Big Tech's AI Revolution: Are Robots Taking Our Jobs?

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Welcome to The Prompt Innovator

The AI Odyssey Continues 🚀🤖

Hey there, tech aficionados! Welcome to the latest chapter of the TPI Express! 🚄✨ As we soar through the ever-evolving universe of technology, consider us your co-pilots on this thrilling expedition. This week, we’re diving deep into the mesmerizing world of AI, uncovering the latest breakthroughs, and sharing tips to turbocharge your prompt-engineering skills. Whether you’re a seasoned tech wizard or just starting your journey, we're here to fuel your curiosity and spark innovation. So, grab your gear and get ready to explore the infinite potential of tech with us! 🚀🤖

AI News: Navigating the Future! 🚀🛠️

Stay ahead of the curve with this week's roundup of groundbreaking advancements in AI and Robotics! Discover the cutting-edge innovations that are transforming our world. Ready to glimpse into the future of technology? Let's dive in and explore the latest digital marvels shaping tomorrow!

What you get in this FREE Newsletter

In Today’s 5-Minute AI Digest. You will get:

1. The MOST important AI News & research
2. AI Tip of the week
3. AI Prompt of the week
4. AI Tool of the week
5. AI Money Earning Tip of the Week

all in a FREE Weekly newsletter. 

Let’s spark innovation together!

1. Big Tech's Job Shake-Up and What It Means for the Future🌎

🚨 Big Tech's AI Revolution: Are Robots Taking Our Jobs? Find Out What’s Really Happening! 🚨 

Discover why Microsoft, Meta, and Google are slashing jobs and investing big in AI. Is your job safe from the AI wave?

Get the inside scoop on how companies are balancing cutting-edge tech with a human touch. Read now to find out if you need to start training your AI replacement! 
[Read the full story]

2. McDonald's AI Drive-Thru Test Ends Due to Order Mishaps

AI generated photo

You won't believe what happened at McDonald's drive-thrus!

Imagine ordering a simple burger and fries, only to receive bacon ice cream and nugget overload. The AI-powered system designed to streamline orders went hilariously wrong, leading to bizarre combinations and frustrated customers.

Discover the full story behind this tech mishap and why McDonald's decided to pull the plug on their AI experiment.

3. Advanced AI Could Drive Explosive Economic Growth

According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), AI could impact up to 40% of global jobs

The financial investment in AI technologies is rapidly increasing, indicating a strong belief in its economic potential. Goldman Sachs predicts that AI investment could approach $200 billion globally by 2025.

AI alone could raise global GDP significantly over the next decade. This increase is driven by AI's capacity to enhance labor productivity, a key determinant of economic growth.

[Read the full story]

4. It’s No Joke: AI candidate running for Parliament in the U.K.

At least we know it’s AI

Madness or the future? Meet "AI Steve," the UK's First AI Candidate Running for Parliament. This innovative entry into politics is not just a technological novelty but a serious contender with the potential to transform how political representation is perceived.

The concept behind AI Steve is to leverage advanced AI capabilities to eliminate the emotional biases and personal interests that often influence human politicians. Endacott believes that AI can offer a new level of transparency, efficiency, and responsiveness in politics, potentially humanizing the political process by focusing purely on evidence-based policies.

As voters in one English town prepare to cast their ballots, the world watches closely to see if AI Steve can make history. This election could be a pivotal moment in demonstrating whether AI can indeed play a significant role in enhancing democratic processes and making politics more accessible and fair.

[Read the full story]

5. Elon Musk wants to build AI to ‘understand the true nature of the universe’

Yes, It’s Elon

Tech visionary Elon Musk is setting his sights on a new frontier: building an artificial intelligence to unlock the secrets of the universe. 

In a bold and unprecedented move, Musk aims to develop an AI capable of understanding the fundamental nature of reality itself. This ambitious project seeks to push the boundaries of current AI technology, exploring questions that have puzzled humanity for centuries.

Musk's latest endeavor promises to blend cutting-edge technology with profound philosophical questions, potentially revolutionizing our understanding of existence. The project underscores Musk's relentless pursuit of innovation and his commitment to exploring the outermost edges of scientific inquiry. Could AI finally unravel the mysteries of the universe? Stay tuned as Elon Musk embarks on this extraordinary journey.

For an in-depth look at Musk's vision and the potential implications of this groundbreaking project, read the full article.
[Read the full story]

Custom AI solutions trusted by leading startups and Fortune 500 companies

Building an AI product is hard. Engineers who understand AI are expensive and difficult to find. And there's no way of telling who's legit and who's not.

That's why companies around the world trust AE Studio. We help you craft and implement the optimal AI solution for your business with our team of world class AI experts from Harvard, Stanford, and Princeton.

Our development, design, and data science teams work closely with founders and executives to create custom software and AI solutions that get the job done.

AI Tip of the Week

ChatGPT Privacy Tips – Safeguard Your Data 🛡️🔒

Concerned about privacy while using ChatGPT? Here are two essential tips to help you control the data you share with OpenAI and ensure your conversations stay private.

1. Use a Temporary Chat

For one-off conversations that you don’t want stored, opt for a temporary chat. These chats won’t be saved to your history or used for model training, ensuring that ChatGPT forgets your discussion once you’re done. However, OpenAI may keep copies for up to 30 days to monitor for abuse.

How to Start a Temporary Chat:

Web or Mobile App: Open a new chat window, tap the ChatGPT heading at the top, and select "Temporary Chat."

Indicator: The left sidebar will be grayed out, signaling that the chat isn’t being saved.

Exit Temporary Chat Mode: Click the ChatGPT heading at the top again and turn off the switch, or start a new chat in the mobile app.

2. Disable Model Training

To keep your conversations private while still having access to your chat history, disable model training. This prevents OpenAI from using your chat content to improve its models while allowing you to revisit past conversations.

How to Disable Model Training:

Web: Click your profile icon in the upper right, select Settings, and go to Data Controls.

Mobile App: Click the hamburger menu icon in the upper left, then select your profile icon at the bottom.

Toggle Off: Turn off the "Improve the model for everyone" option.

Resume Chatting: Your chats will no longer be used for training, but will remain accessible in your history list.

Why These Tips Matter:

OpenAI states that no one can view your chats unless you choose to share them. However, your conversations are stored and could be used for model training. By using temporary chats and disabling model training, you can better control your data and maintain privacy.


Temporary Chats: Ideal for sensitive, one-time discussions.

Disabling Model Training: Balances privacy with the convenience of accessing your chat history.

Using these tips, you can enjoy the benefits of ChatGPT while protecting your personal information. Stay informed, stay secure, and keep your data private!

By following these privacy tips, you can confidently use ChatGPT without compromising your personal data. Whether you're seeking homework help, crafting a business proposal, or simply having a casual conversation, these measures ensure that your information stays under your control.

AI Prompt of the Week:

Unleash your creativity with this week's prompt example directly from This very potent AI prompt is your catalyst for innovation.

FREE Prompt:
Become a World-Class Chef! 🍲🌎

Ever dreamed of cooking like a renowned chef? This week, we’re taking you on a culinary journey with our "World-Class Chef" prompt. Let ChatGPT guide you in creating an authentic, mouth-watering recipe from a specific country or region, complete with cultural insights and pairing suggestions.

Why It's a Must-Try:

This prompt leverages AI to transform your kitchen into a global culinary hotspot. By using ChatGPT, you can create unique and authentic recipes that bring the flavors and traditions of any country or region right into your home. It's perfect for home cooks looking to expand their culinary horizons and impress their guests with international dishes.

 Click here to unveil the FREE AI Prompt of the Week. Are you in? 🌟

AI Tool of the Week

Socratic by Google – Your Ultimate Homework Helper 📚🔍

This week, we're shining a spotlight on Socratic by Google, the ultimate homework-help app that brings answers and explanations right to your fingertips. Perfect for students tackling challenging problems in math, science, history, and more, Socratic leverages the power of AI to provide clear, detailed solutions.

Why Use Socratic by Google?

Socratic isn’t just another homework app—it’s your all-in-one academic assistant. Here’s why it stands out:

AI-Powered Assistance:

Instant Answers: Snap a picture of your question and let Socratic do the rest, searching through a variety of sites like Wolfram Alpha, Cymath, and more.

Comprehensive Explanations: Along with the answers, Socratic provides step-by-step solutions, explanations, and even discussions from other students and experts.

Wide Range of Subjects: Supports math, science, history, English, economics, and more.

Features & Highlights

Photo and Text Input: Take a photo of a problem or type it in directly using the included math keyboard for complex equations.

Crowdsourced and Expert Content: Combines its own web portal with answers from trusted sources, ensuring high-quality help.

Interactive Learning: Encourages understanding with detailed work shown and interactive discussions.

We Like:

Ease of Use: Simply take a photo or type in your question for instant help.

Quality Content: High-quality answers and explanations, especially useful for math and science.

Cost-Effective: Free to use, making it accessible for all students.

We Dislike:

Potential for Misuse: Some students might use it to get easy answers rather than learning the material.

Use Cases:

Homework Help: Get quick and accurate help with difficult assignments.

Exam Preparation: Understand complex topics with detailed explanations and step-by-step solutions.

Parental Support: Provides a valuable resource for parents to assist their children when their own knowledge falls short.

Talk to Your Kids About...

Balanced Use: Discuss how Socratic can fit into a healthy study routine, supplementing but not replacing independent learning.

Academic Honesty: Talk about the importance of using the app responsibly and the difference between getting help and cheating.

Collaborative Learning: Encourage using Socratic alongside studying with peers for a more well-rounded learning experience.

What Users Are Saying:

"Saved me in Chemistry. There were so many things I didn’t know how to do, and this app explained to me what my teachers couldn’t. Super helpful, love how it explains and helps besides just giving the answer." – High School Student

"I’m a mathematician now! I’m so good at math that I was transferred to an AP class in school! This app is amazing." – High School Student

"Great exposure to different types of learning materials for students to learn from, as well as teaches students to use multiple sources to draw conclusions for questions or scenarios." – High School Science Teacher

Ready to Boost Your Homework Game?

Explore Socratic by Google and transform your homework experience. With its AI-powered features and comprehensive explanations, you’ll tackle your toughest assignments with confidence.


AI Money Earning Tip of the Week

How I Turned AI Into My Ultimate Productivity Buddy (And You Can Too!) 🚀

I’ve been playing around with AI to make it my new productivity buddy, and I’m excited to share my top 5 tips with you! Let’s dive in:

Voice Notes to Actionable Schedule: 📅
I’ve set up a cool shortcut on my iPhone to record voice notes. Whisper and GPT-4 turn those recordings into a rock-solid schedule. No more forgotten tasks or missed meetings—ever!

AI-Powered WhatsApp Assistant: 💬
GPT-4 acts as my personal assistant on WhatsApp, handling my messages and knowing my schedule inside out. It’s like having a super-smart gatekeeper who replies to queries and keeps everything running smoothly.

Calendar Integration with Feedback Loop: 📆
My AI assistant manages my calendar like a pro, scheduling appointments, and even asking for my feedback on specific tasks. This way, it gives me personalized responses where they matter most.

Content Summarizer: 📝
Whether it’s articles, reports, or long emails, AI helps me by summarizing content quickly. It’s like having a personal executive summary generator. My favorite use? Summarizing those long (and often boring) error reports.

Creative Thought Partner: 💡
When I hit a creative block, I turn to AI. It’s amazing for brainstorming, offering suggestions, and helping articulate ideas—just like it did for this post!

Until Next Week: Keep Innovating and Exploring! 🚀✨

As we wrap up this edition of the TPI newsletter, let's take a quick look at some of the most exciting tech highlights from the past week:

Computex 2024 showcased groundbreaking advancements, including MSI's world-first AI gaming monitor and Intel's new Lunar Lake chips with enhanced AI capabilities​ (TechRadar)​​ (TechRadar)​.

Stanford revealed a revolutionary liquid fuel technology for grid energy storage, promising a greener future​ (SciTechDaily)​.

Seattle's Tech Scene is buzzing with news of a potential AI-focused incubator and the expansion of Brex into downtown​ (GeekWire)​.

Stay curious and inspired by these developments. We can't wait to share more cutting-edge tech news and innovative ideas with you next week.

Keep pushing boundaries and embracing the future!