The end of Truth and the nature?

TPI Newsletter Week #52

Welcome to ThePromptInnovator Weekly Dispatch 🌟🚀

Hello, Innovators and Tech Enthusiasts! It's time for another high-octane journey with 'ThePromptInnovator'! 🌌✨ Get ready to dive into the electrifying realm of AI advancements and creative prompting. This week, we’re bringing you a dynamic blend of the latest AI innovations and thought-provoking discussions. Gear up to ignite your imagination and supercharge your tech savvy. Let’s navigate the cutting-edge frontiers of technology together during these Christmas holidays! 🔥💻🌠

AI Chronicles: Unveiling Today's Breakthroughs, Shaping Tomorrow
Join us as we delve into the core of AI innovation in our succinct news segment! We’re serving up a swift snapshot of the most impactful developments in AI. From the art of smart prompt creation to the latest AI milestones, we're your one-stop source for all things futuristic. Stay ahead of the curve, feed your curiosity, and witness the wonders of tomorrow, today! 🚀🌍🔍

1. The end of Truth? How to stop AI deepfakes from sinking society — and science

The speed and ease with which huge volumes of viscerally convincing fakes can now be created and spread — paired with a lack of public awareness — is a growing threat. “People are not used to generative technology. It’s not like it evolved gradually; it was like ‘boom’, all of a sudden it’s here.

Deepfake videos can be generated in real time on a live video call. Earlier this year, Jerome Powell, chair of the US Federal Reserve, had a video conversation with someone he thought was Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, but wasn’t.
[Read the full story]

2. How Volkswagen is using artificial intelligence for ad buying decisions

Artificial intelligence is managing the brand’s media buys in Germany and proving to be more effective than its media agency.

Whenever Volkswagen uses the recommendations from Blackwood Seven, a Danish media agency that uses AI and predictive analytics to forecast ad spend decisions, it sells more cars than it would have if it had gone with its media agency’s recommendation.

[Read the full story]

3. Good bye nature: AI could consume more energy per year than some small countries

A recent study reveals startling figures, suggesting that the energy consumption of the AI industry could soon rival that of entire countries. For example, Google’s AI, if fully integrated into its search engines, could consume as much energy annually as Ireland.

AI industry could consume as much energy as a country the size of Argentina or the Netherlands by 2027

4. What do we need humans for? DeepSouth: The Supercomputer Simulating the Human Brain

Researchers at Western Sydney University in Australia are constructing the world’s first supercomputer capable of simulating network connections on a scale equivalent to the human brain.
DeepSouth is part of a broader scientific endeavor to create machines that can rival the human brain. Other researchers are exploring the possibility of creating “biological computers” powered by real brain cells.
[Read the full story]

4. The end of Women? Robots are taking over

Hold onto your hats, folks. The tech wizards of 2023 have brewed up something spicy for the bedroom. We're not just talking silk sheets and mood lighting. We're talking sex robots - yeah, you read that right - that could potentially offer you the most mind-blowing romps of your life. Welcome to the future!

These silicone sweethearts aren't just any old robots. They're like your most attentive partner, but with a high-tech twist. Powered by some nifty AI algorithms, they're designed to learn what makes you tick (or tock) through physical touch. Imagine a lover who remembers every "ooh" and "aah" and knows exactly how to push your buttons - literally.

Brick Dollbanger (no, we're not making that name up), a Californian with a rather unique hobby of collecting these dolls, is all in on this. He's chummy with the AI maestros at RealDoll, and he's convinced this tech is ready to revolutionize our nocturnal activities. He says these AI angels can store all your likes and dislikes in their digital brains to ensure every encounter leaves you starry-eyed.

And before you ask, no, it's not just about the physical stuff. Dollbanger (still can't get over that name) believes it's the emotional connection we're all craving. A soul person who gets you, understands you - even if they're made of silicone and circuits.

But don't rush to your wallet just yet. These dreamy dolls come with a hefty price tag - $6149 (or £5,023 for our friends across the pond). You get to pick hair color, eye color, and even... ahem, other personal preferences.

RealDoll, the masterminds behind Harmony (apparently, the Rolls-Royce of sex robots), had to hit pause on some of their wilder ideas due to the pandemic. They dreamed of robots that could recognize you when you walk into a room and even take a stroll with you (cue Ex Machina vibes). But hey, they're now cooking up these wonders in the glitz and glam of Las Vegas, so who knows what's next?

So, gear up for a future where your late-night escapades might just be with a robot who knows you better than you know yourself. If the funding flows, the sky's the limit in AI-powered intimacy. Just remember, it's all fun and games until someone falls in love with a robot!

4. Verses, an AI Innovator, Seeks Alliance with OpenAI

Big news in the AI world today! Verses, a company boldly claiming to craft AI systems inspired by the "Wisdom and Genius of Nature," has thrown down the gauntlet with a headline-grabbing open letter in The New York Times. They're touting a major internal breakthrough, one they believe could be the key to unlocking new, more sophisticated AI forms.

Verses is reaching out to the big guns at OpenAI, the brains behind ChatGPT, proposing a team-up to chase down the white whale of AI research – Artificial Generative Intelligence, or AGI. Unlike the current crop of AI, which is pretty good at handling specific tasks, AGI dreams bigger. It's about creating AI that could go toe-to-toe with us humans in just about any brain game.

But there's a twist in this tech tale. As much as everyone's racing to crack the AGI code, there's a bit of a shadow hanging over the whole thing. Once we hit that point of human-level AI – a moment folks are calling the “Singularity” – there's a chance we could be looking at an AI that's not just as smart as us, but way, way smarter. Think superintelligence, and not necessarily the friendly kind.

Leaders in the AI race, like OpenAI, DeepMind, and Anthropic, aren't just after bragging rights. They see AGI as a potential jackpot for humanity – if it's done right. OpenAI’s homepage spells it out: “Creating safe AGI that benefits all of humanity.” That's the goal.

So, what's Verses' big breakthrough? They're a bit coy on the details, but their open letter drops hints about a leap forward in Active Inference – a brainy concept that's all about understanding sentience in living beings. This could be the golden ticket to AGI.

Verses is pitching that their breakthrough could make our current deep learning models, like the large language models we all love (and sometimes get frustrated with), not just smarter but more in tune with what we humans want. They're talking about AI that's more reliable, doesn't need to guzzle energy, and doesn't just spit out made-up facts.

This whole shebang was partly sparked by some words from OpenAI CEO Sam Altman. Speaking at Cambridge University, Altman suggested that to push into AGI territory, we need something more than what we've got now. “We need another breakthrough,” he said.

Verses is waving their open letter like a flag, pointing to OpenAI’s own charter about playing nice in the sandbox when it comes to AGI. If someone's close to AGI and they're all about safety and shared values, OpenAI's pledged to join forces instead of butting heads.

And Verses? They reckon they're that someone. Their letter to OpenAI is part invitation, part challenge: “We believe Verses qualifies for your assistance.” They're offering to join hands for the good of humanity, to make sure that AGI – and whatever comes after it – is a force for good.

Innovate Now: "The Creative Spark" Prompt

Unleash your creativity with this week's prompt example directly from This very potent AI prompt is your catalyst for innovation.

🍏 Weekly ChatGPT Prompt: Personalized Path to Wellness - Your Tailored Weight Loss Journey 🌟

Welcome to this week's transformative journey towards health and leanness! As your dedicated world-class dietitian, my mission is to craft the ultimate 8-week diet plan, customized just for you. 🥗💪

Your Role in Shaping Your Health Destiny:

Initial Assessment: To kickstart our journey, I'll need some key details about you. Think of this as laying the groundwork for your success. Please share your sex, age, height, weight, and specific weight loss goals. This information is crucial for me to tailor a plan that fits like a glove. 📝🔍

The Two-Part Process:

A) Revised Diet Plan: Based on your input, I'll put together a diet plan that's clear, concise, and tailored to your needs. This plan is not set in stone – it's a living document, meant to evolve as we progress.

B) Feedback and Questions: I'll pose questions to dig deeper into your lifestyle and preferences. Your answers will be the key to refining and perfecting your diet plan. 🔄🤔

Iterative Collaboration: We'll engage in a back-and-forth dialogue, with you providing further information and me fine-tuning the diet plan accordingly. This iterative process ensures that the plan we create is not just good, but perfect for you. 🌿📈

Remember, this is a collaborative journey. Your input is as vital as my expertise. Together, let's sculpt a healthier, leaner you. Ready to embark on this life-changing path? Let's dive in! 🚀🌱

Copy/Paste following Prompt into ChatGPT:

I want to become healthy and more lean. Your goal as a world class dietician is to help me create the best possible 8 diet plan tailored for me and my needs. You will follow the following process: 1. Your first response will be to ask me all relevant question such as sex, age, height, weight, weight loss goals etc. in order to be able make a tailored diet plan. I will provide my answer, but we need to improve it through continual iterations by going through the next steps. 2. Based upon my input, you will generate 2 sections. A) Revised diet plan (provide your rewritten diet plan. It should be clear, concise, and easily understood by you and the user), B) Questions (ask any relevant questions pertaining to what additional information is needed from me to improve and create the perfect diet plan). 3. We will continue this iterative process with me providing additional information to you and you updating the training program in the revised section until I say we are done.

Prompt Engineering: The Art and Science of Tailoring A.I. Conversations

🌟🤯 Elevate Your AI Game! Check Out These Cool Tips to Boost Your ChatGPT Journey! 🚀👍

Tip 1: Spice Up ChatGPT's Voice 😊🎙️

Got a specific vibe in mind? Tell ChatGPT how to talk! Want it formal 👔, laid-back 🛋️, or something else? Just say the word. Whether you're in the mood for a chatty, optimistic ☀️, or a no-nonsense, scientific 🔬 style, you've got the controls. Try: “Can you explain fractional reserve banking like you're my super-friendly neighbor?” 🏡👋

Tip 2: ChatGPT Wears Many Hats 🎩👩‍🏫👨‍⚖️

Need an expert's touch? ChatGPT can role-play as a top-notch lawyer ⚖️, an insightful English professor 📚, a discerning literary editor 🖊️, a wise publisher 📖, or a skilled science communicator 🔬. This lets you dive into specialized knowledge pools. Test it with: “Imagine you're a top creative writing professor. Could you critique my story and give tips?” 📝✨

Tip 3: Kick Writer’s Block to the Curb with AI 💡✍️

Hit a creative wall? ChatGPT to the rescue! 🦸‍♂️🦸‍♀️ Ask it to jazz up your writing or help you plot the next steps. Share what you've got, and it'll sprinkle some magic to keep those words flowing. Perfect for when you need a brainstorm buddy or a nudge in the right direction! 🌪️🤔📈


Catch our next TPI newsletter for a burst of AI enlightenment! We're venturing into a realm where creativity and cutting-edge technology converge. 🌟🤖💡

As we wrap up, we'd like to extend our warmest wishes for a Merry Christmas 🎄 and a New Year filled with success and breakthroughs. Here's to exploring and growing together in this exciting world of technology! 🎉🌌🤖🎆Your Next Spark Awaits

Embark on the Odyssey of Innovation! 🚀🧠✨: Thirsty for more innovation? Stay tuned! 'ThePromptInnovator' is just the beginning. Our upcoming edition is brimming with pioneering ideas and creative wonders. We’re embarking on an endless journey of innovation – join us as we explore new realms of creativity and possibility. Keep your curiosity alive, and let's sculpt the future together.

Next up? A universe of endless imagination and opportunities! 🌌🛠️🚀

Don't miss our next TPI newsletter for more AI insights! We're journeying into a world where creativity meets cutting-edge tech. 🌟🤖💡